Division 293 Tax

Investing Ethically in Superannuation

Trumpt in 2017 – Hopefully not thumped in 2018

Making the Most of your Assets

Income for Living
Are you so interested in the potential increase in the value of your home or the fluctuating value of your shares that you are forgetting about ‘how best to put food on the table’ from good long term income producing dividends? A serious medium to long term investor striving to become financially independent would prefer to rely on the income from dividends rather than the daily fluctuations in share prices.

World Economy and Investment Markets – Deteriorating or Improving
We keep being bombarded by missives of uncertainty, volatility, slowing economic growth around the world and faltering levels of consumer confidence.

Lifestyle Priorities & Cash Flow Management
You may spend a great deal of time considering what to invest in, when and even question whether to invest at all.

Micro – Globalism is causing huge change, will your business be ready? Micro – Globalism has and is occurring rapidly with the profound shift in business views about the geographic reallocation of labour.

Economic Uncertainty, Market Volatility – What’s Next?
At the time of writing world share markets have been see-sawing with the bias to the downside, particularly here in Australia, and the mood out there has been decisively gloomy.